“Truly I tell you, whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you do it for me”
– Matthew 25:40
Community Outreach is part of our DNA at Anointed Chapel. The words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ above inspires us to intentionally reach out to our community while sharing the good news of the gospel. Some of our recent community initiatives include:
- Annual free tax clinic to the community
- Visit to low-cost housing units where 100 boxes of food items were distributed
- Outreach to Salvation Army male and female shelters
- Christmas gift distribution to Seniors at Maple Grove Residential Home in Brampton
- Outreach to Brampton Civic Hospital where the sick were ministered to
- Walkathon for Sick Kids resulting in donation of $2,500 to the Sick Kids Foundation
- Donation of $5,000 to Knight Table Food Bank